Housing Authority to spend $330m on public housing estates
A number of major improvement works on old public housing estates are expected to be completed by mid-2012.
According to Hong Kong's Information Services Department, The improvement works are to be carried out to meet requirements laid down in Design Manual: Barrier Free Access 2008, in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Commission's recommendations.
While all new authority buildings have adopted the relevant design requirements in the manual since its introduction, older ones are not fully compliant. Although the manual has no retrospective effect, as a caring landlord, the authority conducted an assessment in July this year of all properties under its management.
While most of the major improvement works are to be completed by mid-2012, the rest are expected to be completed by 2014.
These works include making lifts more accessible, including enhancing lift doors, control buttons, illuminated visual indicators, audible signals and indication in lift cars. Works also include providing tactile warning strips at landings and at both ends of staircases, and handrails of a required dimension and shape. Channels and gratings will also have appropriate covers.
Separately, the authority has set up another programme to install lifts for low-rise public housing blocks that do not have them, to address the concerns of the disabled. This is scheduled to be completed by 2012.
Improvement works for domestic blocks without lift services for every floor will be completed in 2016-17.
The authority will also carry out ongoing tailor-made improvement works on a needs basis. These include in-flat modifications, such as the widening of toilet and kitchen doors and the addition of temporary ramps at flat entrances.