
Is Hong Kong ready for competition law?

The Hong Kong Government published last summer the long awaited Competition Bill which is intended to introduce a general competition law in Hong Kong.

Is Hong Kong ready for competition law?

The Hong Kong Government published last summer the long awaited Competition Bill which is intended to introduce a general competition law in Hong Kong.

Ship mortgage: Right of sale upon non-financial covenant default

The rights of both the bank and borrower when it comes to non-financial covenant default will not remain a question anymore.

Microfinance in China

Providing banking and other financial services to the poor has always presented particular challenges. By definition, people with little or no money lack all but the most basic financial resources and economic influence. Their exclusion from the financial system means they have no credit history and no basis for participating in modern financial transactions. Poverty means they have little if any collateral to underpin lending. In large areas of the world, poor people also live in remote rural regions without access to the infrastructure of modern commerce and communications. This inability to benefit from financial services plays a large part in preventing the poor from making even modest improvements in their lives, and helps to trap them in poverty. More than 1 billion of the world’s population subsist on less than US$1a day.