Hong Kong: safest place to bring up a child
You won't believe what country is deemed the most dangerous.
Safety is obviously a top concern for parents when deciding to relocate to a different country, but there are certain countries on this year's Expat Explorer Raising Children Abroad league table that are safer in the eyes of expat parents than others, said a recent survey of expats by HSBC Global Research.
Here's more from the survey:
For those looking for a child-friendly safe haven, it seems Hong Kong provides the best peace of mind for expat parents, with 91% of expats in Hong Kong indicating that the safety of their children had improved since relocating. The results are the highest of any country and well above the average figure (60%), making the country the safest place to raise children in this year's Expat Explorer Survey.
Increased safety levels do not appear to have an effect on the amount of time children in Hong Kong are spending outdoors. Expat parents in Hong Kong report that their children are able to spend more time outdoors (39%) since relocating and nearly half (48%) believe they are able to spend more time with their children since moving.
In contrast, the UK is the lowest ranked country in terms of safety with only a third (34%) of expat parents indicating that their children's safety had improved since moving to the UK and a quarter (26%) stating that their children's safety had actually got worse since moving.