Hong Kong to splurge $1b on recycling industry
Quantity-based charging to be unveiled.
According to a report, the Government has reserved $1 billion to set up a recycling fund to support the industry, Chief Executive CY Leung announced in his second Policy Address today.
On waste management, Mr Leung said the Government’s policy is to introduce quantity-based charging for municipal solid waste.
The Council for Sustainable Development has conducted a public-engagement exercise on the issue, he said, and it will offer proposals for a waste-charging system in Hong Kong.
The Government will also develop plans to handle organic waste, including converting organic waste into energy and other useful resources, he added.
Mr Leung’s address also announces plans for community green stations in each of the 18 districts, aiming to enhance environmental education and help collect recyclables in the community. The first station will be set up by the middle of the year.