Hong Kong students outperform peers in scientific and mathematical literacy
Students ranked 4th and 7th in the respective categories.
The government announced that Hong Kong students surpassed international averages in the 2022 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).
PISA is a triennial assessment of 15-year-old students’ mathematical, scientific and mother-tongue reading literacy.
Eighty-one countries participated in the PISA held last year, with 5,907 students from 163 secondary schools in Hong Kong participating.
In mathematical literacy, Hong Kong ranked 4th place, with a 540 score, significantly above the international average of 472.
In scientific literacy, Hong Kong’s ranking advanced from 9th place to 7th place. Its score also increased from 517 to 520, significantly above the international average (485).
Lastly, Hong Kong ranked 11th on mother-tongue reading literacy, dropping from 4th place. Its score dropped from 524 to 500, whilst the international average stood at 476.
Hong Kong vowed to step up efforts to support schools through diversified strategies outlined in its Reading to Learn policy.
Meanwhile, Hong Kong ranked 2nd in educational equity amongst markets or economies with high academic achievements.