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87% of Hong Kongers aware of the Metaverse: survey

75% of the city’s Millenials and Gen Z were looking forward to it.

Over 87% of Hong Kong residents are aware of the metaverse, a survey conducted by Yahoo revealed.

The survey also showed that 75% of the city’s Millenials and Gen Z were looking forward to the metaverse.

56% of both Millenial and Gen Z Hong Kong residents have an immersed experience in the metaverse by playing open-world video games such as Minecraft, Roblox, and Fortnite in the last month.

Meanwhile, 48% of Hong Kong Millenials and Gen Z have browsed non-fungible tokens (NFTs), whilst 14% of them have purchased either a limited edition collectible card, digital art, virtual avatar, or game item.

According to Zoe Cocker, Director of Innovation and Creative Studio at Yahoo, the survey will create a powerful signal for potential marketers on the building blocks that can connect the metaverse with the core audience and niche consumer groups.

“There has been a lot of hype about the potential of the metaverse, but very little knew about what consumers expect,” Cocker said.

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