Hong Kong electronics brands fail in communication
Only 17% receive rewards for sharing their personal information.
Hong Kong's consumer electronic brands deliver in terms of product quality and efficacy, but they trail behind mainland China in terms of communication and rewards, marketing firm ICLP said.
According to their study, 47% of Hong Kong consumers trust the quality and efficacy of the brands' products, whilst half can rely on the brands to take care of product issues.
However, only 17% of Hong Kong consumers received something in return for sharing their personal information compared with 36% in mainland China.
Moreover, only 20% are given personalised offers compared with 33% in the mainland.
Around 23% receive exclusive experiences compared with 36% in mainland China, 27% receive social media responses compared with 39% in the mainland, whilst 27% are updated with trends compared with 45% in the mainland.
The study also revealed that 51% of mainland Chinese shoppers expect to grow and improve their relationship with brands as they learn more about each other compared with only 27% of shoppers in Hong Kong.
"The higher expectations of developing a long-term relationship with brands are reflected in the levels of reciprocity in the survey findings," ICLP said.
Around 40% shoppers in mainland China feel that they are appreciated as regular customers by their favourite brands, versus only 27% in Hong Kong.
APAC at ICLP executive vice president Mary English said, "To maintain competitiveness, electronic brands in Hong Kong have to put more emphasis on communicating the latest products and trends specific and relevant to a customer’s preferences, responding to them instantly and rewarding them with special and exclusive events and offers."