HKSTP and tech firm to launch R&D centre for HK’s new energy vehicles sector
The centre will create 600 research talents.
The Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation and Hozon New Energy Auto Co., Ltd. (NETA Auto) inked a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to promote Hong Kong’s new energy vehicles and achieve net-zero emissions.
Under the MOU, NETA Auto will establish its global headquarters in Hong Kong by the end of this year with a plan to invest hundreds of millions to billions in RMB and hire nearly 600 research talents over the next five years.
The company will also establish a 40,000-square-foot smart research and development (R&D) centre to attract more tech ventures and talent in the automotive industrial chain to join Science Park’s innovation ecosystem and further strengthen cooperation across key industries in Hong Kong and the Mainland.
HKSTP has for many years supported 10 unicorn companies within its ecosystem. It will help to assist NETA Auto in its journey to innovation and success.