OFTA issues Fair Usage Policy for broadband services
The Office of the Telecommunications Authority promulgated a set of mandatory guidelines setting out the relevant guiding principles for compliance by broadband service providers.
Currently, mobile and fixed broadband service providers offer a variety of service plans, including unlimited usage plans, to cater for the needs of customers in the fiercely competitive telecommunications market. The so-called unlimited service plans are, however, subject to limitation, in the name of an Fair Usage Policy.
Service providers apply an FUP to ensure their customers as a whole may have a fair opportunity to enjoy and access their services and to prevent possible abuses by a small number of customers.
Consumers in general are not aware of the existence of an FUP, nor do they understand the relevant terms and conditions. Users of unlimited service plans in particular feel aggrieved when their usage is subject to restriction because of an FUP. This has given rise to consumer complaints.