HK backs recommendations on regulating Mainland inbound group tours
Suggestions aims to step up crack down on illegal tour guides and unlicensed travel agents.
Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Rita Lau on Monday welcomed a report from the Travel Industry Council’s task force on the review of the operation and regulation of Mainland inbound group tours.
The report contains the task force’s recommendations on measures to tackle the issue of zero or negative reception fees and to enhance the regulation of tour guides for these group tours.
The measures include a penalty-point system whereby a tour guide or a travel agent can have their licence revoked if he or she accumulates a certain total.
“Over the past two months, the task force focused on studying key aspects of the issues, with support from the Tourism Commission. It also widely consulted major stakeholders in the tourism sector, including travel agents operating Mainland inbound group tours, tour guide unions and registered shops,” said Mrs Lau.
“I would like to thank the task force for its effort in conducting in-depth studies on the two important issues and making recommendations to improve the situation within such a short period of time.”
She said the task force's recommendations are comprehensive and pragmatic, according to a government report.
“They [task force] have also taken into account the unique characteristics of the Mainland inbound group tour market and pinpointed the problems arising from its special mode of operation,” she said.
“I believe the trade would agree it is imperative to eliminate market malpractices as soon as possible to sustain the long-term and healthy development of the tourism industry. The task force will continue to discuss with various stakeholders the implementation details of individual recommendations.”
Mrs Lau said the Government in principle supported the recommendations. She hoped that it would work out details of the measures and their implementation timetable in consultation with the trade as soon as possible.
“The Government will actively co-operate with the council in carrying out the recommendations, including liaising with the relevant tourism authorities and counterparts in the Mainland, and stepping up enforcement action to further crack down on illegal tour guides and unlicensed travel agents,” she said.